Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)
Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)Free Shipping on Orders $100+ (Excludes non-U.S. Orders)
As the COVID-19 pandemic is taking a new turn, we at U.S. Polo Assn. are committed to doing our part to protect our customers and employees to the best of our ability. 
Throughout this difficult time, the safety and well-being of our customers and associates remains our top priority.

As new developments continue to arise, we know that social distancing will help minimize the spread of the virus.
Currently, Some of our stores have re-opened in limited capacity. 
You can also find us at and through social media @uspoloassnusa
Please note, there will be some shipping delays during this time.

Our aim is always to serve our customers in the best possible way. We will continue to monitor the situation and share important updates.

Thank you for being a loyal customer. Stay safe.

With Love, Thoughts & Prayers,
Your U.S. Polo Assn. Family
Updated: 2/1/2021

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